It all started with one ankle swelling up - been to have it shot full of cortisone a couple of times but nothing really changed. Eat ibuprofen and
tylenol like candy and it's okay. Then a tendon in one hand kinda gets bumpy...this is called a trigger. So, to the doctor for a referral to a new
Rheumatologist cause the one I used to see seems to think a needle full of
cortico steroids into whatever offending tendon or joint should be sufficient...$15.00 for the injection please...see ya sometime... Maybe something else should be done... Backgrounder over, fast forward several months - "didn't that referral go through?" she says at the last check-up. "Well, I've seen a Endocrinologist for my defective
goiterish freakin thyroid so I figured maybe I was doing enough for the specialists in town already..." On the other hand, my left hand is pretty much useless without an
opposable thumb...Fast forward again, 8 weeks from above noted conversation

Having been read the riot act, yet again, this time by a very well paid and extremely educated medical specialist type person - actually, he didn't read it in the usual way, just looked at my chart and said, "well, I'm not going to tell you to lose weight even if it would make a difference with .... mutter mutter.... you already know.... mutter mutter...." So I wait 5 minutes and, to keep the conversation going, ask, if I were to return to a program of physical fitness, would he recommend the gym or pool...mutter mutter, pool...mutter...low impact....best thing...mutter.
Actually he is considered one of the better Rheumatologists in town - or sort of in-town as he comes over here from Vancouver once a month. As I went through a round of blood tests, pee in the bottle and go upstairs for x-rays on just about anything that can flex; I learned from the lab & x-ray techs they always know when Dr. Tenenbaum is in town...The upside from each of them was that I was being put through the wringer by one of the best.
So, back to the pool. First morning I was barely able to make it from one end to the other. This is discouraging because I did used to be able to swim a couple of laps at a time before gasping...Anyway, after a week break, back to it and managed to get 5 laps - not continuous, mind you, but still, a full lap each time and only a brief moment before going for the next one.
It may not sound like victory but it means there is improvement. It also means I got in 7 laps total before everything was hurting. Y'see, the thing about arthritis is you really can't push through the pain. It's there to tell you it's time to stop pushing. You can warm up a bit and it goes away but when it comes back, if you don't pay attention, it's back with a vengeance in a few hours.
When I was 30 or so, it first came on. I was working in a restaurant and not in a position to slack off. Even though I was supposed to be running my shifts, the people working with me were all 19/20 and immortal. Hell, at 28 I figured I was pretty close to immortal myself. Anyway, I found myself asking these young turks to do things like lift the big pots full of water onto the stove for me - or bring in the 50lb sacks of potatoes or onions.
At first there wasn't a real problem but after a couple of weeks I began to notice the looks. So, like who did I think I was to shirk my share of the tote-that-barge aspect of working in the diner trenches? To their eyes I was taking my own sweet time just putting together the daily prep list--here's an experiment for the kids to try at home, put on a pair of leather ski gloves that are 1/2 size too small, pick up a pen and try to write. Then I'd go in the back where no-one could see me and have a good cry.
Anyway, that's when I learned you have to stop, take a moment to rest and if it still hurts, either figure a different way to do it or change the schedule. So I haul my carcass to the pool a couple of times a week now, paddle the barge up and down the lanes a few times. This week I went to one of the drop-in classes "Range of Motion" for us old stiffies. Man, I was the youngest one there - got chatted up by a couple of very old men and a few snotty looks from the old ladies who were probably part of the harem...It will be an interesting time over the next few months...